Qubes 3.2 After One Month
Having spent nearly a month with Qubes, this is the record of my observations.
I love the way the system works and plan to keep it. However, performance, especially graphics performance, is the main cause for doubt about keeping qubes. I would probably buy a different laptop rather than stop using qubes, so that’s a fairly strong endorsement!
File Copying
I couldn’t see a progress dialog while copying files in sys-usb, which was unusual. (edit: this was because in the Fedora template the file explorer shows the file copy dialog in the file window, not as a separate dialog).
Also some unexpected behaviour when copying a second batch of files while a batch was mid-copy. It interrupts the first lot of copying. I’m used to FIFO file copy priority, not LIFO.
Browser Cursor
Cursor in browser only shows default, eg no pointer (hand). I find this frustrating, but not a deal...