JavaEE Simple Web App with GlassFish

This is a guide to starting a basic web project for JavaEE. It’s assumed that JavaEE is set up and ready to go.

Download Eclipse for JavaEE. It’s here:

Extract the contents and open Eclipse

tar -xvf eclipse-jee*
rm eclipse-jee*

Install the GlassFish plugin

Help > Install New Software

In the ‘Work With’ field, set:

Let it load


Tools > GlassFish tools
Tools > Oracle Java EE tools

Press Next / Finish / Agree etc

Start a new project

File > New > Dynamic Web Project

Select the Target Runtime to be GlassFish. If GlassFish is not listed, you need to install it by pressing the New Runtime button and then Download additional server adapters link and selecting GlassFish. Press Next. You need to specify a server root as an absolute path which for me is /home/me/glassfish4/glassfish.

Click through all the prompts until you’re finished creating your project.

Make a ‘page’

File > New > Servlet

Fill in the Java package field and a Class name field. Click Finish.

Add some content to the doGet method.

protected void doGet(...) {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.print("Hello World");

Run the project

Run > Run As > Run on Server

This will automatically open your browser at the root of your project. You will need to change the url to the path as specified in your class (it’s prepopulated). The url is structured as http://localhost:8080/ProjectName/ClassName, which in my case is http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/Hello

You should see the text Hello World in the browser.

Thanks to these pages for the info in this post


Now read this

JavaEE Setup on Ubuntu 14.04

Guide for n00bs, which I am when it comes to JavaEE. Assuming a fresh and up-to-date installation of Ubuntu 14.04 Install Java - this is the runtime environment so your java application can be executed. I tried using openjdk from the... Continue →